
Ben Fuller

Ben Fuller


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Music has taken Ben Fuller’s life and made it into something he never would have dreamed. Growing up in Southern Vermont on his family dairy farm, he learned about hard work and a passion he saw first-hand from his father. He started singing at a young age to pass the time in the fields and on the farm. The singing never stopped and somewhere between the farm and college, he picked up a guitar and played all those country covers he learned as a boy. Realizing, he had a voice, his friends urged him to move to Nashville to pursue a career in country music. For over a year, he had friends and family pushing him to pack up his things and go.

What no one knew is that Ben had a secret addiction to drugs and alcohol and had been abusing for over 12 years. In 2015, Ben was involved in a drug-fueled relationship which led him to understand better, the other side of the disease. In addition, in 2017, he abruptly lost his best friend to a drug overdose and his entire outlook on life shifted.

Motivated to change, in 2018 he finally moved to Nashville still having country music in his head with the notion he just had to “make it” in country music. Little did he know his music would change drastically after a family invited him to church for the first time. Falling face first into God, he began writing new music noticing his lyrics started taking on new meaning. His new-found relationship with Jesus led him to begin writing with a burning desire to share the love of God and tell the world his redemption story. Now completely sober, he longs to help individuals who struggle with addiction and are looking for something more in which to fill their empty souls. Today, his heart continues to fill with stories of loss, hope and love as he travels across our country to sing his story as well as the stories of those who can no longer.

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